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The name, "LIVSN" comes from the Swedish word, "livsnjutare," which roughly translates to "one who loves life deeply; an enjoyer of life."

This journey started with a mission to simplify belongings. With less to manage there's more time in the day, and with more time comes flexibility. Livsn knows we won't regret more time outside—or with friends—or with family. 


The folks at Livsn are gear junkies, but this leads to excess and waste. They had too much gear, too many jackets, and too much stuff. This started them down a path of shedding belongings. This process forced them to take stock of what we owned and make decisions on what to keep. Livsn kept what mattered.


We're not advocates for extreme minimalism, and don't preach throwing away all belongings. We kept what was well-made, served its purpose well, and especially those pieces that had sentimental value.

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